Cina: Via della SETA – Ho mobilitato l-ACI in persona per aiutarmi

NOTA: questo articolo è stato riesumato da un archivio web nel Agosto 2015 e postato rispettando la data originale in cui è stato scritto la prima volta. Testo trascritto senza alcuna correzione
Direttamente dal desk info turismo dell’ACi ecco la mail inviata a tre referenti per la cina.
To the kind attention of Mrs. Helen He, Honglin.
Dear Madam,
Mr. Gionata Nencini, an Italian motorcyclist who has arrived in China, at a town called Dalian, and wishes to ride in China, has problems for the temporary import of the vehicle and to obtain the temporary registration plates of same, as well as the temporary driving permit, which are necessary, as stated in OTA files of Tourist Information on China, for a foreigner wishing to travel with his own vehicle in your Country, and must be obtained at the Security Vehicle Management Office. Unfortunately we do not know the address of said office in Dalian and also Mr. Nencini seems to have difficulty in obtaining information and manage the matter.
We would appreciate receiving from you the address of the office of one of the Chinese Automobile Clubs, operating in that town, that may assist our compatriot in the above procedure, since there are evidently problems of language (he does not speak Chinese and probably also his English is poor).
Thank you very much in advance for the help, and best regards,
Automobile CIub of Italy
ACI-Infoturismo. ”
Se potete voi continuate nelle ricerche.
Mi arrivano tutte le vostre mail, le apprezzo tantissimo. Forse ce la possiamo fare.
Un abbraccio.