Volo Auckland – Buenos Aires sola andata

Ciao Viaggiatori!
Ce l’ho fatta.
I prezzi proposti dai lettori del forum erano buoni, ma tutti datati FINE NOVEMBRE.
Avrei rispariamiato 200 euro rispetto ad un biglietto per l’11 Dicembre, é vero, ma con 11 giorni di lavoro non stop, riesco a mettere da parte 600 euro di busta paga e così tanto é valso spendere 200 euro in più, e metterne da parte 400.
Così ho cercato per voli in data 11 Dicembre, mio ultimo giorno sul visto WHV per la Nuova Zelanda.
Mi sono presentato all’agenzia Flight Centre (che lavora su una politica di prezzo imbattibile) e gli ho proposto il prezzo della compagnia aerea stessa, fino a quel momento risultato il più economico per la data di Dicembre.
1753 NZD per il volo di 11 ore solo andata.
Così Flight Centre ha battuto il prezzo di 20 dollari e mi ha venduto il biglietto per 1733 NZD.
PRENOTAZIONE VOLO (questo é il preventivo di esempio di un’agenzia chiamata STA)
Depart Date : 11 December 2008
Return Date: na
Airfare inclusive of all taxes, surcharges and fees: $1753
Your Client File Number is xxxxxx
Your flight details have been emailed through to you – this will come through as a weblink. If the link doesn’t work automatically, you can use the following code to access your booking at www.virtuallythere.com – ITTDVN
To confirm this reservation full payment is due by 15 October. Your payment options are as follows:-– Direct deposit into the STA Travel bank account at any bank or by internet banking. Our account details are:
National Bank of NZ, 209 Queen Street, Auckland
Account number: 06 0101 0644534 03.
Please use the above Client File Number as a reference for your deposit and just email the date and amount you deposited so we can track it.
– Credit card details and authority to charge can be faxed through. This airfare is discounted for a cash price and payment for credit card will incur a non-cash administration fee of 2.25%
– By cash or eftpos at your nearest STA Travel branch in New Zealand. Please let us know the branch you intend to pay at, so we can forward them informationPlease note fares and taxes/fees are not guaranteed until full payment is received and tickets are issued – these can increase without warning. We recommend full payment as soon as possible once a reservation is made.
Insurance is probably the last thing you want to think about when planning your travels but imagine being faced with a medical bill or personal liability claim – it’s just not worth it! These things can easily be covered by insurance. We have Comprehensive or Budget insurance depending on your requirements.VISA REQUIREMENTS
Please advise us of your passport type so that we can check visa requirements.SAVE MONEY AND TIME
Through STA Travel you can arrange a number of products and services before you depart that will save you money and time while on the road.
– Budget accommodation around the globe so you can safely lay your head for as little as possible
– Discount cards, including ISIC (International Student Identity Card) and IYTC (Youth card for under 26ers)
– Tours, treks, rail and bus passes– Support from our 450 branches around the world – so assistance is never far away
If you want to ensure you don’t miss out on any great travel deals now or in the future you can subscribe to be an online member at www.statravel.co.nz and stay up-to date with all the latest travel goss. We promise not to bombard you or sell your details to a 3rd party!If you have any questions, or wish to confirm this reservation, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Kind regards,
Richard Kidd
STA Travel,
NZ Telesales,
Level 8, Auckland Central Backpackers,
229 Queen Street,
Free phone 0508 782 872
Fax (+64) 9 303 9572
Ph (+64) 9 366 6673Email [email protected]
Quindi grazie a tutti voi per la collaborazione, in particolare a Riccardo P. e Wild Type a cui farò avere due capi firmati per ringraziarli dell’aiuto che mi hanno dato in queste settimane di ricerca volo.
Buona continuazione.