

The T-Shirts are ready!

There are 12 colours for male and 4 for females.

The are manufactured in Italy on a very good quality cotton and they are sent directly to your home address.

I would personally bring them to you and hug you but I am working in Chile at the moment.

If you live outside Italy and want to buy one of these, write me with the contact form.

This PRE ORDER includes the logo sticker as a gift. PPLOGO#2XL

So thanks for supporting and spreading around the verb Partire Per…



Relativo a Gionata Nencini

Mi chiamo Gionata Nencini, toscano classe 1983 e viaggiare in moto è la mia più grande passione. Nel 2005, a 21 anni, parto per il giro del mondo con in tasca solo 2.200 euro e oggi ho uno storico di 500.000 km percorsi in solitaria attraverso 77 paesi. PARTIREper è il blog che racconta le mie esperienze e quelle della mia community.

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