
A Journey into the World by motorcycle

Santiago, Chile 8th of May 2009

4 years have been passed since I left.

PIC00029.JPG                   In 4 years time you graduate, you get married, you make babies. As for me, I’ve decided to travel and get back home with consciousness.

I left Italy at 21, with just 2200 Euros in my pocket and the vague idea of experiencing a Journey into the world on a motorcycle. So far I have covered 170000 Km, visited 26 countries, touched 4 continents, spent more than  1461 days traveling and my tires punctured 9 times.


This journey, though, has nothing to do with long distances and numbers.

My journey is a personal preject, inspired from few books pages and supported by those ideals I didn’t want to 2 compromise for the confort sold by society.

My Journey, which has nothing to do with the Long Way Round, wants to tell my life story and show to everyone, what is a Journey, what is the world out here and how are the people who live in it.

To travel is possible and such an experience by motorcycle is accessible and affordable to anyone.

To prove this, I travel at the minimum terms, without sponsors, without support vehicles, without cameraman, GPS, media coverage and especially with NO EXTERNAL FINANCIAL SOURCES AT ALL.

I am not a motorcyclist. I am a Traveler.



3 In Siberia, year 2005, I’ve met Tim Harvey, which was on an human power expedition around the world. He wanted to prove that if he could do it with no emissions, people could ride a bicycle to work or school to decrease pollution.

I travel with a 2200 Euros budget, without visas, without carnet de passage, international driving licence and external finance and a 22 years old motorcycle, to prove that a "round the world by bike" it’s not a matter of money either preparation.

To travel by bicycle and motorcycle, it’s just a matter of heath, time and curiosity.


Having said this, I invite you to watch the Documentary I’ve published for my 4 years journey anniversary. 5

Thanking everyone has given a contribute to my adventure, would be hard and time taking, but I’ll try to summarize.

I you want to support me, visit this page:

Un abbraccio.

Gionata Nencini


A thanks to:

My family, Max of Motato and all the mechanics that helps me from Italy, Federico and Filippo of Cose di Moto and the brand who donated me their products, Fabrizio and all the 75 donators who gift me with a full tank of gasoline, for a total of 4200 Euros, the women of the world for making me crazy, my Honda Transalp made in 1987 for being a bike with guts, In Moto and all the journalist interested in me and my story for publishing me


Relativo a Gionata Nencini

Mi chiamo Gionata Nencini, toscano classe 1983 e viaggiare in moto è la mia più grande passione. Nel 2005, a 21 anni, parto per il giro del mondo con in tasca solo 2.200 euro e oggi ho uno storico di 500.000 km percorsi in solitaria attraverso 77 paesi. PARTIREper è il blog che racconta le mie esperienze e quelle della mia community.

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